Chiropractic adjustments are probably the most common association with chiropractic care, but they’re not the only way to address back and neck pain. In fact, combining chiropractic adjustments with corrective exercises is how chiropractors create the most effective treatment plan.
Chiropractic care addresses a wide range of health issues and needs, but in many cases, the origination of the problem is simple muscle tension or strain. This origination is not complex, but if it remains unaddressed, it can lead to subluxation, which occurs when chronically tense muscles pull on a part of the spine.
A chiropractic adjustment will return the spine to its correct shape, but failing to address the tense muscle means the exact same problem will occur all over again. To see the best result, it is important to combine chiropractic adjustments with corrective exercises.
In many cases, muscle tension occurs because another muscle is too weak, and when muscles are too weak, they cannot perform their job adequately. This then results in another muscle attempting to overcompensate for the weakness, which can lead to muscle tenseness.
By strengthening the weak muscle, the tight muscle can relax, and the risk of the spine coming out of alignment again becomes minimal.
In other cases, corrective exercises tech patients how to properly lift something heavy or correct poor posture. By learning these techniques, the patient can prevent future problems with their spine from occurring.
Corrective exercises can range from simple stretches to strengthening exercises; what you will work on will depend on your particular case and what your muscles need. Your chiropractor will also take into consideration what your goal is. Are you looking for general pain management, or do you hope to return to a sport? Your goals will help guide the chiropractor on the ideal corrective exercises.
For those in a significant amount of pain, do not worry about having to do a considerable amount of corrective exercises or anything too challenging in the beginning. You will likely start with some chiropractic adjustments on their own until you are in a position where you feel you can begin doing corrective exercises.
The first step of a corrective exercise regimen is typically stretching, as tight muscles increase flexibility and mobility, which can ease a significant amount of pain. Once your flexibility has increased, your chiropractor may then add in the strengthening exercises that can continue alleviating your pain by addressing weak muscles.
When you visit the chiropractor, one of the best ways to have a well-rounded treatment that addresses your current problem and sets you up for future success is by adding corrective exercises. At Powell Chiropractic & Wellness, we add corrective exercises to chiropractic care to stretch tense muscles and increase strength in weak muscles, leading to a body that is in good balance and less likely to be in pain.
If you suffer from back or neck pain and are in the Powell, Ohio area, give us a call at (614) 505-8600 and let us help you reduce your pain and prevent future pain from occurring.